Thursday, January 21, 2016

Blogging in the Classroom

Blogs can be used in so many ways in a classroom. Blog posts can be a better way of measuring student's writing than having them write an essay. This is public, so they know they have to edit it and make sure everything looks good. But it doesn't seem as cumbersome writing a full fledged paper. Sometimes you still need to make them write that paper, but for most writing exercises a blog would work. Also, it can help with discussions. Teachers can use blogs as a way to start discussions in their classroom. As long as you teach them online etiquette and the line between discussions and bullying, this would be a great way to get discussions started. I think these two ways would make blogging a meaningful tool in the classroom.

1 comment:

  1. Do you think that the public nature of the blog would improve the quality of the writing? It'd be interesting to test. I think the ability to have peers easily provide feedback would help. Conversely, I've seen horrible writing on social media, and that's public.
